My Pal Paxton

Pax Loves Riding His Bike

Now that Pax learned to ride his bike, he is constantly asking to go ride.  So I took him to the park and had a little fun with my GoPro.  Enjoy!

Cadillac Ranch

We had a great time visiting Cadillac Ranch while celebrating Christmas in Amarillo with the inlaws. It's a very unique roadside attraction that draws many visitors every year.

Check it out!

Happy Birthday Pax!

It hard to believe he is 8 yrs old already.

For his birthday we bought him a Daisy BB gun.  He listened to the safety lecture and I taught him how to load it.  Then he was ready to start shooting some pumpkins we had laying around the backyard.  As you can see, he is going to be a good shot just like his father.  :-)

SeaWorld San Antonio

We were invited to SeaWorld San Antonio by our friends Steve, Esther, and Sammy for Labor Day. It was a quick trip for us but we had a great time seeing old friends. Presley had been to SeaWorld before when she was little but this was a first for Paxton.

Of course, he had a ton of fun! Enjoy the video.